What is Brainspotting
with Dr. David Grand

The Brain is miraculous & houses millions of synaptic connections. There are more synaptic connections in our Brain than there are galaxies. Because there are so many synaptic connections, we can re-route & bypass maladaptive neural pathways effectively. With my own experiences, stuck memories have been released & neural pathways have re-routed.
Important aspects of Brainspotting sessions are Relational & Neurobiology Attunement. Within a session, the clinician witnesses your journey, allowing for you to deeply process what is necessary to heal & expand. As a clinician & client are in relational attunement, they are sharing neurobiology. This allows for the client to “share” the clinician’s self-regulation, intuition, & other important healing aspects.
During a typical Brainspotting session, the client chooses a topic to work on. Topics can include a current circumstance, a body sensation or pain, emotional release, to enhance performance, improve intuition, feel the presence of a Loved One in Spirit, or improve state of being. In order to access this, the clinician assists the client to locate the Brainspot. There is also an option to utilize Biolateral Music to further assist the healing. Following this, the client is able to process this spot in order to release what is no longer necessary & allow for increased understanding & healing.
The Brain knows what to do & how to heal. During the Brainspotting experience, it is important to recognize that the subcortical may not have words for what you are experiencing. This is why we remain “curious” & per Dr. Grand’s quote, we “follow the tail of the comet.” Through the process, we allow the brain to go where it needs to go & to trust what the brain needs to do.
Following a Brainspotting session, the brain will continue Healing & re-routing neural pathways. Clients may feel cloudy, sleepy, or euphoric after a session. Through this, the brain is healing, releasing, & creating new synaptic connections. Following the initial healing, ultimately, the brain shifts to allow more Clarity, increased logic & wisdom, perceptual shifts, & Expanded thinking.
It has been an incredible journey to witness healing & expansion through Brainspotting. This amazing healing modality has shifted & aligned myself & my clients. I would love to witness your healing & expansion.

My Own Brainspotting Journey
Brainspotting has changed my life... & my mind.
Through my own work with Brainspotting, the healing, clarity & expansion have been life-changing. Brainspotting has supported me through transitions, past concussion work, my own medical anomalies & incorporating techniques from Brainspotting Couples Co-regulating into my own relationships.
I know that as I expand in my Brainspotting training, my clients directly benefit. My Brainspotting journey includes Phases 1-4, Brainspotting, Spirituality & Intuition, Expansion Brainspotting, Clearing Limbic Countertransference, Generational Brainspotting, Freeze to Thaw Brainspotting & the Next Level, Brainspotting & Parts work, Brainspotting Couples Co-regulating, Brainspotting with Intersectionality & Social Justice, Brain Education, Blindspotting, Mulitple Intensives & Deep Dives & assisting with countless Brainspotting trainings.
In order to further my Brainspotting expertise, I have pursued the rigorous tracks of Certification, Recertification, Consultation, & Specialty Presenter.
As a Consultant, I support other Brainspotting Clinicians to become Certified, Recertified or Specialty Consultation.
Most currently, I have moved into Specialty Presenter status with the Specialty training, Brainspotting, Spirituality & Intuition with Dr. Cherie Lindberg, LPC.
My areas of expertise include Grief & Loss, Spirituality, Intuition, Energy work including Reiki, Parts Work, Expansion, Sensory Processing, Neurodivergence, Medical anomalies, Sports performance, Creatives, Performers, Groups, Children & Teens.
Any questions? I would love to support you.
Heather Corbet
Psychology, B.A., Master's OTR/L,
Brainspotting Consultant & Specialty Presenter,
Reiki Master Teacher
Trainings Attended
Specialty Presenter since 2023
Consultant since 2023
Consultee of Cherie Lindberg, LPC
Certified since 2020, Recertified July 2022
Certified by Mary Jane O’ Rourke, LCSW
BSP Phases I, II, III, IV with Melanie Young PsyD, Cherie Lindberg LPC, & David Grand PhD
BSP & Assistant with Expansion in Creativity & Performance with Lisa Larson, LMFT
BSP & Assistant with Clearing Limbic Counter-transference with Cherie Lindberg LPC & Cynthia Swartzberg, LCSW
BSP & Assistant with Freeze to Thaw and The Next Level with Mary Jane O’ Rourke, LCSW & Serene Caulkins PT
BSP with Generational & Somatic Archeology with Ruby Gibson, PhD
BSP & Assistant with Parts Work with Cherie Lindberg LPC & Cynthia Swartzberg, LCSW
BSP & Assistant with Couples Co-regulating with Cherie Lindberg LPC
BSP & Assistant with Intersectionality & Social Justice with Tracy Gantlin-Monroy LPC
BSP with Freeze to Thaw: Clinical Quandaries with Mary Jane O’Rourke LCSW & Serene Caulkins, PT
BSP & Brain Science to Inform Your Practice with Deborah Antinori, MA, LPC
Brainspotting Embodied Learning Circle & Assistant with Nancy Tung RN, & Joy Myong, NCC
BSP with Collective Liberation Group
Blindspotting with
Connie Johnshoy-Currie, Psy. D.
Writer's Retreat: My (True) Story with Kristy Snedden, LCSW & Serene Calkins, PT
BSP Intensive Sedona 4 years & Assistant with Pie Frey PhD & Cherie Lindberg, LPC
BSP Assistant for Multiple Phase I & II trainings, Including Inclusive, Phase III & IV
BSP Intensive Door County with Cherie Lindberg, LPC
BSP Intensive Costa Rica & Assistant with Cherie Lindberg, LPC
BSP Travel Trip Peru with Cherie Lindberg, LPC & Teri Nehring LPC
BSP Travel Trip Scotland with Cherie Lindberg, LPC
Reiki & Brainspotting Workshop
Your Soul & Brainspotting Consultation Group
Group Brainspotting Course
Specialty Presenter: Brainspotting, Spirituality & Intuition Specialty Workshop with Cherie Lindberg, LPC